My Story

At the end of November 2016 I found out I had Stage 4 cancer. A lot of things can pass through your mind when you receive what could be considered a very negative diagnosis. What passed through my mind was that I was going to live and not die.

Shortly after the diagnosis my wife told me, "there was a new water store here in Boerne." My response was, What’s a water store?

Within one week of their opening I’m standing in the Water Tree Boerne store listening as the owner begins to talk to me about alkaline water and helping our bodies move more towards an alkaline state. All of a sudden my eyes began to open. I learned how cancer and many chronic diseases love an acidic state, while on the other hand, have great difficulty surviving in a properly balanced alkaline state.

This all began for me over 7 years ago. I had surgery but I had no chemo or radiation and here I am today. I love this Living Water. In fact, I love it so much I bought the store. 

All water IS NOT created equal. In fact all alkaline water is not created equal. You need to taste and live the difference. 

One of my favorite sayings now is “Come to the Water.” Come in and see me and let me share the knowledge and insight I have gleaned over the past 7 years. So…Come to the Water…the Living Water. I'll meet you there.

Mitch Kersh

Where to find us

  • 215 W. Bandera Rd. , Suite 113A, Boerne, Texas, 78006, USA
  • 830-331-9929